Mafia - Accommodations

Chole Mjini
Chole Mjini is a lodge set in the baobab trees on the island of Chole at the Southern tip of Mafia. A small island off a small island off a small island. ...more

Pole Pole Bungalow Resort
Pole Pole Bungalow Resort...The amazing natural power of an African archipelago. Your own island. The world famous Mafia Island Marine Park. ...more

Kinasi Lodge
Kinasi is a small private lodge situated in a coconut and cashew plantation facing Chole Bay. The intention behind the design and existence of Kinasi was to create a resort that was relaxing and stylish ...more

The Mafia Island Lodge
The Mafia Island Lodge stands amidst tall palms on a sandy beach on Chole Bay, in the heart of the Mafia Island Marine Park near Utende Village on the south coast of Mafia. The lodge is built on the best location on Mafia Island, and was the original and first accommodation on Mafia Island. ...more

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