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local time: 13:08 / weather: 27º
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Splendid SPA Philosophy

Indulge in extraordinary spa experience on the gorgeous beach of Becici with its endless sunshine, seawater, marine air and architecture.

Splendid Spa is the first full-service spa in Montenegro´s most exclusive destination.

Splendid Spa, a holistic, fun spa experience integrating the beauty and traditions of Montenegro with high international standards and a spirit of inovation.

The spa design is driven by all one can potencially see, hear, smell and touch.The spa programming focuses on a holistic as well as fun approach to wellness, longevity and beauty, bringing the local plants and enviroment together in our spa to invigorate and restore the senses.

Even a short stay can have an enourmous impact on body and its sense of well being.

For more information visit www.splendidspa-montenegro.com