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  July 2011

Chinese marketers using social media as a marketing tool

A survey conducted by Regus, an office services firm, revealed that on average 47% of businesses worldwide successfully used social networks for customer acquisition in 2011, which was an average increase of 17.5% over 2010......


China's rich travel off the beaten path, Hurun says

"The luxury travelers in China are evolving fast. Now people are seeking for more tailor-made experiences. With night trains, you can take in the local culture and, in particular, enjoy different experiences in one single journey," Andrea Filippi, executive director of Orient-Express, told China Daily...


Starwood welcomes Chinese travellers

To prepare for this growing force of new travelers, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE: HOT) announced today the launch of Starwood Personalized Travel – a program of initiatives designed to serve the unique preferences of Chinese travellers...


Spain aims to welcome one million Chinese tourists in 2020

To increase the number of visitors from China, Spain plans to ease visa requirements for Chinese nationals, encourage more direct flights between the two countries and open more tourist offices in the Asian giant, Tourism Minister Miguel Sebastian said.


Chinese visitors to Fiji keep increasing

Sayed-Khaiyum, who is also the Attorney General, made the remarks while releasing the latest tourist arrival figures at a press conference. "For the first time in Fiji's history, ever for the month of April, we surpassed 50,000 visitor arrivals. .. We have had 55,043 arrivals," SayedKhaiyum said, adding Chinese visitors to Fiji is keeping increasing with a 50 percent increase in April alone...


China tourism revenue grows 18%

China's tourism income rose 18 percent year-on-year to top 1 trillion yuan ($153.85 billion) during the first half of this year, the National Tourism Administration (NTA) said on Wednesday.
Domestic tourists made 1.33 billion trips, an increase of 13 percent from one year earlier. Inbound trips edged up one percent to 66 million while outbound trips jumped 19 percent to 32 million, the NTA said.


China to boost support for aviation

China will increase support for the development of its aviation industry with new favorable policies and an expected 1.5 trillion yuan ($231.9 billion) investment during the next five years, Shanghai Securities News reported on Monday.


Etihad Airways to launch flights to Shanghai

Etihad Airways has unveiled plans to expand its network in China with daily non-stop, return services between Abu Dhabi and Shanghai – subject to government approval.
Etihad will operate an Airbus A330-200 aircraft on the Abu Dhabi-Shanghai route, configured in Pearl Business and Coral Economy class.

Our Publication

The Travel World China《环球逸旅》 is a bi-monthly glossy magazine in Chinese language targeting at the up end travel service providers, corporate/MICE organizers, elite and special interests clubs, governmental departments travel planners in China, introducing and promoting the world’s exotic destinations and most preferred ways to travel and tour in style. Every two months over 10,000 readers rely on Travel World China magazine to provide them with precise service information, innovative travel plans, and exotic destinations information across the world.

The breakdown of our readership is as follows:
By sectors:
- 50% Tour operators, travel agencies who deal with consumers who prefer quality to cost.
- 20% Corporate / MICE travel planners, frequent business travelers
- 15% Travel and tourism media.
- 8% Government departments travel planners.
- 7% Clubs, institutes and communities of special interests.

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