Dear Sir / Madam ( Mr. / Ms. Xxxx ),

Re: On-line Hotel Booking Promotion Program Proposal

We write to solicit your opinion and interest in joining our on-line hotel booking promotion program, which has been developed with an objective to promote the interest and traffic of the Chinese pleasure and business travelers planning and booking their rooms on line.

Your prestigious hotel has been featured in our e-magazines and otherpromotional materials to get the attention of our prospects and improve their awareness on the name and services of your hotel. To trigger a trial and / or to convert a change, we suggest to offer them an introductory discount and some free gifts and services.

Please consider giving our prospects booking the rooms on line a status that would entitle them to enjoy the same discount as booked through your contracted travel agency if they could quote a promotional code authorized and assigned to us, the Travel World China, by the hotel.

The promotion program will start on July 1, 2009 and last till January 31, 2010 for seven months covering the three outbound tourism peak seasons to come. The Travel World China will feature and promote this program, its participating partners and the offers in the coming e-magazines, trade events and other communication medium and materials, and will not charge for this additional value added service.

Should you have the interest to join this program, please fill in, sign and send us back via email or fax the attached agreement form on or before June 15, 2009 as an acknowledgement of your agreement and consensus on the terms and conditions of the promotion program and its execution.

Many thanks for your attention and awaiting your prompt and favorable feedback.




Lin Yu
Managing Director
Travel World China
2009. 5. 22. ( Friday )










Joint Promotion Agreement


The Hotel Group has agreed to join and take part in the “ On-line Hotel Booking Promotion Program “ as proposed by the Travel World China and offer discount and free gift and service as specified below to the Chinese business and pleasure travelers introduced by the Travel World China and booking rooms on line directly with the hotel during the July 1, 2009 to January 31, 2010 period.


The promotional code ( the PIN ) authorized by the hotel to the Travel World China and to be coded by the travelers in room booking is:

The % discounts, free gifts and free services offered by the hotel are: ( Please tick / check those items applicable. )
a. Business Travelers:
% discount
Free gift:
Welcome drink
Local daily newspaper
Fruit basket
Hotel souvenir
Discount coupon shopping at hotel gift shop
Free service:
Shoes polish
Internet access
b. Pleasure Travelers:
% discount
Free gift:
Welcome drink
Local daily newspaper


Fruit basket

Hotel souvenir

Discount coupon shopping at hotel gift shop Champagne ( for the honey noon couples )
Food discount ( a romantic dinner charging two persons for the price of one for the honey moon couples )

Cake ( a birthday cake for the visiting couples / party )

Free service:
Shoes polish
Internet access
Room upgrade ( for the honey moon couples )
Agreed and signed by:_______________________ ( Mr. / Ms. )

Position: _______________________


Hotel: _______________________


Date: _______________________